Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Idaho's big bad anti-wolf political leaders

Reminder:  This is not about the big bad wolf of "Little Red Riding Hood" fame. This is about the big bad human beings (political leaders) in Idaho who are intent on exterminating the state's wolf population. 

This just in from Jamie Rappaport Clark, president of Defenders of Wildlife:

Dear Virginia,
You need to know the truth.
I’ve never seen a killing frenzy as relentless as the wolf slaughter that’s been taking place in Idaho. The latest outrage, the creation of a state-supported wolf extermination fund, truly means no wolf in Idaho is safe.
I am deeply disturbed by the growing number of anti-wolf policies – and by the 466 Idaho wolves killed during this past year alone. And I fear for the many hundreds that will soon follow.
But with your help, we will weather this storm of hatred, ignorance and bloodshed.
Our wolves are a national treasure. Their comeback in the Lower 48 is one of the greatest conservation successes of our lifetime. We’ve come too far to see it all lost due to the anti-wolf hatred of Idaho’s current political leaders.
For nearly seventy years, Defenders has served as the voice of those animals who cannot speak for themselves. And we’re your voice too.
And it will send the wolf-haters a message – that we are not giving up. We are not going away. And we’ll keep fighting until wolves have the protection they need to thrive in our world.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your compassion and generosity.

Jamie's Signature
Jamie Rappaport Clark
Defenders of Wildlife

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