Monday, October 8, 2018

Contagious Acts of Kindness

     I parked my '99 Honda Civic and got out of my car at the local Starbucks coffee shop.  Seeing my cane - I'm in my seventies - a young man strode over to me and gave me his arm.  He led me to a table in Starbucks and then went to get our orders.

     I pulled my book out of my bag - I was reading Underhill's The Ways of the Spirit and turned to my page marker. In the meantime, several children walked past and gave me high fives.

     The young man, whose name was Mike, smiled when he set my coffee and doughnut on the table and explained that another customer had seen him help me, and she had paid for our orders.  I invited Mike to join me that Sunday afternoon, and he happily sat down across from me. Seeing the book I was reading, he said he would check it out at the local library. 

    Mike and I enjoyed a heartwarming conversation on the theme of contagious acts of kindness. I learned that Mike is in his 30's, and he and his wife Amy, who was working that afternoon, live nearby.

As we parted, Mike handed me a Starbucks gift card on which he had noted: "Thank you for an amazing conversation. I am so glad God crossed our paths today."

I could only say "Amen" to that!


  1. Its true. My mother, at age 91, was an inspiration everywhere that I took her. She had her cane and she lifted that cane and moved it forward with confidence and strength. When we walked in the neighborhood, people would wave from their cars, people we had never met.

    1. Thanks, Alessandro. Whenever I need a boost to my morale, I find an excuse to go shopping or whatever where I meet such kind and friendly people. Yesterday, for example, the bank teller who served me, walked out to my car with me and opened the door for me.
