Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Obama, the Democrats’ Presumptuous Presumptive Nominee

Many of us out here in the blogosphere have previously pointed out that the Democratic Party’s presumptive nominee is more than a little presumptuous. In today’s Washington Sketch, Wapo columnist Dana Milbank has finally got the picture:

“Barack Obama has long been his party's presumptive nominee. Now he's becoming its presumptuous nominee.

“Fresh from his presidential-style world tour, during which foreign leaders and American generals lined up to show him affection, Obama settled down to some presidential-style business in Washington yesterday. He ordered up a teleconference with the (current president's) Treasury secretary, granted an audience to the Pakistani prime minister and had his staff arrange for the chairman of the Federal Reserve to give him a briefing. Then, he went up to Capitol Hill to be adored by House Democrats in a presidential-style pep rally.

“Along the way, he traveled in a bubble more insulating than the actual president's. Traffic was shut down for him as he zoomed about town in a long, presidential-style motorcade, while the public and most of the press were kept in the dark about his activities, which included a fundraiser at the Mayflower where donors paid $10,000 or “more to have photos taken with him. His schedule for the day, announced Monday night, would have made Dick Cheney envious:

“11:00 a.m.: En route TBA.

12:05 p.m.: En route TBA.

1:45 p.m.: En route TBA.

2:55 p.m.: En route TBA.

5:20 p.m.: En route TBA.”

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