Monday, March 23, 2009

Online Readers Offer Acidic Responses to Geithner’s Bank Rescue Plan

The readers at the NY Times in response to coverage of Geithner’s presentation on his latest version of the bank rescue plan have more insightful comments than the pundits. Also, check the number of recommendations by fellow readers below each comment:

March 23, 2009 10:01 am
The President is attemting to appease his benefactors at Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, AIG, and other houses of money-changers.

Unless you are a part of that select group, this plan will ultimately be disastrous for you. Prepare for very hard times.
— Bob Jackson, Las Cruces, N.M.
Recommend Recommended by 183 Readers

March 23, 2009 10:03 am
At the end of the day this appears to be little abt pvt patnership and all about using tax payers money.In the example provided bythe secy, the private investors put in only 6 cents and the public puts in 78 cents. So a bank holding the asset at 50 cents will sell the asset at 84. Thereby getting 34 cents. Of the 34 censt they put in only 6 cents and enjoy all the upside. However if it blows then their loss is only 22 cents which is 100-84+6. So why will banks sell lower???
— Srini, Asia
Recommend Recommended by 66 Readers

March 23, 2009 10:12 am
Where can we line up to get our $1 trillion?
Maybe we should all just go to Washington to get it.
— John, Miami, FL
Recommend Recommended by 40 Readers

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