Media Matters for America hit my inbox yesterday, Monday, Dec. 8 with this jarring headline:
Savage: "[A]ny heterosexual woman today over the age of 25 who grew up in America is basically a dominatrix"
Just to be sure I knew what Savage was talking about I looked up ‘dominatrix’ in a handy online dictionary. Here’s what I found:
dom·i·na·trix [ dòmmə náytriks ] (plural dom·i·na·tri·ces, noun
Definition: dominant woman sadomasochist: a dominant woman partner in a sadomasochistic relationship
Lauryn Bruck at Media Matters for America reports in detail:
‘“During the December 4 broadcast of The Savage Nation, host Michael Savage discussed a New York Post article that reported allegations that ‘[a]n attorney at one of New York City's most prestigious law firms -- who had a secret passion for S&M -- was shot to death by a rival for the affections of a brilliant Ivy League stunner who moonlights as a dominatrix.’ Savage said: ‘When I was a kid, we didn't need to go to a dominatrix; all we had to do is argue with our mothers." Savage later said: ‘I don't understand that part of it. I truly don't understand it because any heterosexual woman today over the age of 25 who grew up in America is basically a dominatrix. You ask any heterosexual guy. Within a short period of time -- what do you think it's going to last? Ehhh -- 90 days and after that you're living with a dominatrix anyway, so what's the difference?’”
“Savage continued:
“Why do they have to go to a professional? What does a professional dominatrix do that an ordinary woman doesn't do in America today? Half the women look like post-op transvestites to begin with, trying to look like they're gay or keeping up with the mores of the society. You ever see what they look like? They thin themselves down, they're on some kind of diet pill. The lipstick looks like it was applied by, what's her name, Joan Rivers when she was high. They all have a mouth on them, and the guy is, like, pushed into the background. It's any wonder I'm in talk radio.
“Talk Radio Network, which syndicates Savage's show, claims that Savage is heard on more than 350 radio stations. The Savage Nation reaches at least 8.25 million listeners each week, according to Talkers Magazine, making it one of the most listened-to talk radio shows in the nation, behind only The Rush Limbaugh Show and The Sean Hannity Show.
“From the December 4 broadcast of Talk Radio Network's The Savage Nation:
‘“SAVAGE: ‘Lawyer slain by S&M madman obsessed with victim's whip mistress girlfriend.’ That's not a bad story. ‘An attorney at one of New York City's most prestigious law firms -- who had a secret passion for S&M -- was shot to death by a rival for the affections of a brilliant Ivy League stunner who moonlights as a dominatrix.’ Where did this all come from, a dominatrix? When did that -- when did that come up in America, dominatrix? I mean, I could say a few words about it. When I was a kid, we didn't need to go to a dominatrix; all we had to do is argue with our mothers.”’
“SAVAGE: Then we got into the dominatrix issue. I don't understand that part of it. I truly don't understand it because any heterosexual woman today over the age of 25 who grew up in America is basically a dominatrix. You ask any heterosexual guy. Within a short period of time -- what do you think it's going to last? Ehhh -- 90 days and after that you're living with a dominatrix anyway, so what's the difference? Why do they have to go to a professional? What does a professional dominatrix do that an ordinary woman doesn't do in America today? Half the women look like post-op transvestites to begin with, trying to look like they're gay or keeping up with the mores of the society. You ever see what they look like? They thin themselves down, they're on some kind of diet pill. The lipstick looks like it was applied by, what's her name, Joan Rivers when she was high. They all have a mouth on them, and the guy is, like, pushed into the background. It's any wonder I'm in talk radio. The safest place for a man to be today is in talk radio and listening to it.”
With creeps like Savage speaking to a radio audience of millions, one has to wonder if there’s a safe place for a woman anywhere in today’s culture.
Michael Savage's opinions and observations are deeply disturbing for me, and what makes this even more serious is the fact that, as you point out, he has a huge audience. Fighting this mentality will be an on-going struggle. I guess women themselves may have come a long way, but unfortunately it seems many men have not. Their minds and attitudes have been left in the caves where little respect and honor towards women is evident. Having said that, I do realize also that some of the worst offenders of this past election cycle were women dissing other women. I hope that increased awareness will help us all to treat women with dignity and respect, but as a society, we have very far yet to go. These pervasive attitudes towards women will harm us all. As Hillary said, women's rights are human rights.
ReplyDeleteHi Becky,
ReplyDeleteThank you for your insightful comments regarding the status of women in our culture. And to think Americans set the example in human rights for the rest of the world. It's a shocking commentary.
As always, it's good to hear from you.