It’s been my pleasure in recent weeks to hear from several friends and acquaintances who have found the ancient Buddhist prayer in the upper right hand corner of Katalusis to be helpful in getting through these difficult times.
I’ve included this revised version of the “loving kindness” prayer in my morning ritual of journaling, reading spiritual writings, and several minutes of meditation for some time now.
The roots of my faith are in Christianity, but as I’ve matured I’ve gladly extended branches to many other traditions. It’s my belief that if we are ever to know world peace, we must learn to transcend religious differences. My faith continues to be deepened and enriched by the insights of others from around the globe.
For spiritual nourishment, I’m currently re-reading Thich Nhat Hanh’s The Miracle of Mindfulness. This morning between recording my dreams from the night in my daily journal and a short period of meditation, I read TNH’s instructions for practicing a full day of mindfulness at least once a week.
I love the notion of doing simple household tasks “slowly and evenly without reluctance,” becoming one with our work while dusting the book shelves, freshening a bouquet of flowers, or preparing a meal.
Being mindful, I’ve learned, means being fully awake and alive in the present moment instead of chronically brooding over the past or fretting about the future.
The eternal now is a good place to be.
Here’s a poem from today’s reading in The Miracle of Mindfulness:
Be a bud sitting quietly in the hedge
Be a smile, one part of wondrous existence
Stand here. There is no need to depart.
This homeland is as beautiful as the homeland of our childhood
Do not harm it, please, and continue to sing…
(Butterfly Over the Field of Golden Mustard Flowers)
Peace be with all who come here.
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