Caroline Kennedy has wasted no time since announcing her desire for Hillary Clinton’s seat as a U.S. senator from New York. Although she says she’s not “campaigning” for the soon-to-be vacated seat, she sure sounds like someone running for office.
News 10NBC reports:
“Kennedy is on an Upstate swing, campaigning to replace Sen. Hillary Clinton in the U.S. Senate. She met with the mayor of Syracuse this morning and also plans to stop in Buffalo. Kennedy is seeking the appointment of Gov. David Paterson to fill the open Senate seat once Hillary Clinton is sworn in as Secretary of State.”
Watch the uncut interview with Caroline Kennedy
As I have posted at No Quarter in recent days, it is my belief that if Caroline Schlossberg had any amount of class and/or wisdom at all, given her 'billboard' name, she would have waited and campaigned publicly for this Senate seat in an election, rather than seeking to enter the Senate through the back door and be appointed. I don't know squat about her qualifications, if any, for the job, but I do believe that, were I a New Yorker, I would be giving the other interested candidates a thorough looking-over, and voicing my opinion to Governor Patterson fortrightly. This doesn't pass the smell test for me, like a lot of political shenanigans of late. I guess the Kennedy name has lost it's luster for me after their endorsement of Barack Obama for POTUS. If they want to have any credibility with me, if would be a grand idea to promote/endorse only those public servants whom have earned the job and the public respect, and halt the fast-tracking of inexperienced, unqualified candidates for positions of power. Amen.