Saturday, April 19, 2008

Politico’s Analysis: Media in the Tank for Obama

Photo credits: NY Times

At Politico this morning John F. Harris and Jim Vandehei have posted an article titled “Obama’s Secret Weapon: The Media.” The article is largely a response to the reaction to the Philadelphia debate between Obama and Clinton hosted by ABC the other day:

“The shower of indignation on Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos over the last few days is the clearest evidence yet that the Clintonites are fundamentally correct in their complaint that she has been flying throughout this campaign into a headwind of media favoritism for Obama.

“Last fall, when NBC’s Tim Russert hazed Clinton with a bunch of similar questions—a mix of fair and impertinent—he got lots of gripes from Clinton supporters.

“But there was nothing like the piling on from journalists rushing to validate the Obama criticisms and denouncing ABC’s performance as journalistically unsound.”

Harris and Vanderhei continue their analysis of the debate:

“In fact, the balance of political questions (15) to policy questions (13) was more substantive than other debates this year that prompted no deluge of protests. The difference is that this time there were more hard questions for Obama than for Clinton.

“Moreover, those questions about Jeremiah Wright, about Obama’s association with 1960s radical William Ayers, about apparent contradictions between his past and present views on proven wedge issues like gun control, were entirely in-bounds. If anything they were overdue for a front-runner and likely nominee.

“If Obama was covered like Clinton is, one feels certain the media focus would not have been on the questions, but on a candidate performance that at times seemed tinny, impatient, and uncertain.

“The difference seems clear: Many journalists are not merely observers but participants in the Obama phenomenon.”

In conclusion, Harris and Vanderhei give last week’s debate moderators a pat on the back:

“Gibson and Stephanopoulos handled this balancing act responsibly. They asked tough questions of both candidates. In the wake of the debate, it is time for Obama’s cheerleaders in the media to ask some questions of themselves.”

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