After noting the Obama camp’s accusation that Clinton is running a negative campaign, a press release today from Howard Wolfson, Clinton’s Communications Manager reports: “In fact, in just the last 48-hours, Sen. Obama has flooded airwaves, radio, phone lines and mailboxes with negative and false attacks against Hillary. This unprecedented barrage coincides with a weak debate performance and Sen. Obama's slide in the daily Gallup poll.”
The press release continues:
1. In the most outrageous attack of the campaign, Obama surrogates held a conference call attacking Hillary's character, claiming she did not have the "moral authority" to lay a wreath on the Tomb on the Unknown Soldier. [Link]
2. Launched a television ad featuring false, negative attacks on Hillary's health care plan. [Link]
3. Distributed negative mail about Hillary's trade positions, complete with citations even Sen. Obama has acknowledged have been debunked. [Link]
4. Flooded voters with robocalls saying Hillary will "say anything" to win.
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