Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Take That! All You Hillary Haters

( Photo credit: AP)
In her post titled “Iron This,” Taylor Marsh skewers those who were leading the rush to declare Hillary Clinton’s demise prior to her win in New Hampshire:

“They said it couldn't be done.

“The momentum was just too strong.

“They said she was through when she hadn't even begun to fight.

“But on one January night, at this defining moment in history, Clinton did what the pollsters, the pundits, Chris Matthews, Howard Fineman, insert fifty other names of white men here, all her supporters, her own staff, likely Bill Clinton, not to mention everyone else, didn't believe would ever happen. One woman turned a much rumored, written and blathered about double digit Obama Blowout into a victory that left the entire punditocracy sucking their own wind back through the pie hole from which they spewed their sexist, venomous, biased, good old boy baloney day after day, night after night, week after week for it seems an eternity, which only got worse once Mr. Obama had one win -- one -- under his belt.”

Crediting primarily women and blue collar workers for Clinton’s victory, Marsh calls to account “the pundits, the polls, the traditional media, and everyone else, including the blogosphere for the “misogynistic spectacle large enough to plug a vocano” that erupted prior to the New Hampshire primary.

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