Friday, January 4, 2008

Obama’s Lofty Generic Promises Versus Clinton’s Can-Do Specifics

Photo Credits: AP

Last night’s score in Iowa reflected the tight race of earlier polls: Obama 37; Edwards 30; and Clinton 29. As predicted, a heavy influx of out of state students and a crossover of Republicans gave Obama the boost he needed.

And according to entrance polls, Iowans preferred Obama’s lofty promises of generic change to Clinton’s list of specifics where she knows from experience that changes are most needed.

The battle for New Hampshire lies immediately ahead and in her farewell to Iowa last night, Hillary Clinton left no doubt she’s in it to win it.

In her analysis of what’s next, the AP’s Beth Fouhy, begins: “Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton — welcome to New Hampshire, where you each face the biggest test of your political lives.”

Fouhy notes that “Obama goes into this state's compressed contest with a target on his back — a situation he has managed to avoid throughout his career in politics. She quotes Democratic strategist Dan Newman: "Obama, through an unprecedented convergence of luck and skill, has never before faced serious attack delivered by a competent opponent. He's now earned the right to be mercilessly scrubbed and scrutinized. No one knows how he'll respond to the challenge, and how voters will evaluate the criticism."

Fouhy follows up with this quote from Clinton’s senior strategist Mark Penn: "He {Obama} talks about change but has no real record of making change."

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