Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Obama’s Sloppy Military Hand Salute

The Naval Officer above demonstrates a sharp salute.

President Obama's usual sloppy salute.

A veteran of the United States Air Force (WAF), I’m annoyed every time I see Barack Obama return a hand salute to a member of the armed forces; he looks ridiculous. As shown in the photo of the U.S. Navy officer above, his right arm and hand should be perfectly straight and his hand just off the right eyebrow. The salute should also be short and snappy. Surely, someone at the Pentagon can show our president how to salute properly.


  1. I have noticed the same Virginia. It annoys me also and I agree with you; do you think it possible for Obama to learn something from anyone given that he appears to already know it all? Just kidding...

  2. Hi Becky,

    Glad you agree! O's salute is really tacky.

  3. anything obama does is sloppy

  4. Hi WayKup,

    Thanks for your comment. Hope to hear from you again!

  5. Hi Becky and Virginia...if obama keeps this up he'll be a one term President

  6. Hi Vicki,

    Well, you'd think the commander in chief would at least know how to render a salute! It's not that hard. He should practice in front of a mirror a few times.

    BTW thanks for stopping by!

  7. I agree... When in the US Army, I was taught that a properly rendered salute is meant as a sign of respect. To me it is quite obvious that this _ _ _ does not have respect for our military personnel.

  8. The only way this so called President will learn how to properly salute is if you show him instructions on a teleprompter!!!

  9. There are more important issues at the moment than Obama's hand salute. How about we worry about important things like the war first? wouldn't that be the smart thing to do? Seriously, who cares? he's not a bad president and it's sad that veterans of the armed forces want to knock down everything their president does. Real patriotism you're showing there, people.

  10. During WW2 I instructed on the right hand salute and the instruction material was a U.S. Army training Manual. My recent military training sources still instructthe same method. Either the Pres. is not being properly instructed or he will not do so intentially which shows his disdain for the military and the tradtions of our country. Look at the many other similar examples. He shows pride in the disdain he exhibits.

  11. Compared to those given by Bush, Obama's are masterful

  12. anonymous,

    I appreciate your support for President Obama; however, if his supporters continue to measure his performance against Dubya's, that's setting the bar pretty low.

  13. I'm retired Army. I worked at the Pentagon for a stretch. Civilian officials, no matter their importance, did not render hand salutes. This whole business of Presidents rendering them started when? Anybody have a photo of FDR or Eisenhower saluting while President?
    I think it's been introduced by political consultants. I cringed watching Bill Clinton. Dubbya looked goofy. The Commander-in-Chief is above having to salute in my opinion-- and not pandering to the segment of the populace that seems to equate acumen as C-in-C to the quality of a hand salute could help eradicate silly distractions like this thread and worse.
