Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kanye West’s Assault on Taylor Swift at the MTV Awards

The Daily Puma’s Alessandro Machi covers Kanye West’s assault (Machi’s term for it) on Taylor Swift at the MTV awards show best and he includes the video of the event. I’ll just add that America’s tolerance for misogynist rappers like West, who consider themselves musicians, is in itself a crime against women as well as an insult to all true musicians.

And for once Obama got it right in his off the record comment that Kanye is a jack*ss.


  1. Amen to everything you said here, Reverend.


  2. Thanks, SYD. I do treasure your comments and your presence in the blogosphere!

  3. If you study the picture of Taylor Swift after Kanye left the stage, she looks like someone who has been left in a state of shock specifically because of what Kanye did.

    Apparently MTV security then ejected Kanye from the event. It is up to the police to do the right and charge Kanye with assault.

  4. You're right Alessandro. But I'm thinking the negative publicity he's getting - even the comment from Obama - must be hurting quite a bit.

  5. I agree with all. But I will take it a bit further. Did Obama really say it, and was it intentionally overheard or what? He always wants it both ways. Just sayin'.

  6. Hi Becky,

    I heard an audio recording of Obama's comment and his request that his listeners cut him some slack - um, you're right. He does want it both ways.
