It’s all over the blogosphere lately. If it’s not the online left-wing attack minions going after Palin, it’s McCain aides trying to scapegoat her for losing the election. Kudos to conservative blogger Michelle Malkin for standing up for Palin against the McCain campaign’s “classless cowards.”
Malkin writes:
“The anonymous trashing of Sarah Palin by blabbermouth McCain aides who are leaking to Fox News is disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.
‘“Allah’s got the vid clip of a report citing unnamed McCain staffers accusing Palin of lacking, in Carl Cameron’s words, ‘knowledgeability.’ More slime here. And here.
“At least all the Hollywood and Manhattan Palin-haters were willing to sign their names and put their faces on their attacks.
“Let’s assume the rumor-mongers are telling the truth for a moment. Who does it damn more: Sarah Palin or McCain and his vetters who green-lighted her for the vice presidential nomination? Don’t need an Ivy League degree to figure that one out.
“Sarah Palin worked her heart out. She energized tens of thousands to come out who would have otherwise stayed home. She touched countless families. I didn’t agree with everything she said on the campaign trail. But two fundamental conservative stands she took mattered greatly to me: She vigorously defended the Second Amendment and the sanctity of life more eloquently in practice than any of the educated conservative aristocracy.
“And she did it all with a tirelessness and infectious optimism that defied the shameless, bottomless attempts by elites in both parties to bring her and her family down.
“Shame on the smearers who don’t have the balls to show their faces.
“Thank you, Sarah Palin. Thank you for stepping up the plate and serving your country.”
Malkin writes:
“The anonymous trashing of Sarah Palin by blabbermouth McCain aides who are leaking to Fox News is disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.
‘“Allah’s got the vid clip of a report citing unnamed McCain staffers accusing Palin of lacking, in Carl Cameron’s words, ‘knowledgeability.’ More slime here. And here.
“At least all the Hollywood and Manhattan Palin-haters were willing to sign their names and put their faces on their attacks.
“Let’s assume the rumor-mongers are telling the truth for a moment. Who does it damn more: Sarah Palin or McCain and his vetters who green-lighted her for the vice presidential nomination? Don’t need an Ivy League degree to figure that one out.
“Sarah Palin worked her heart out. She energized tens of thousands to come out who would have otherwise stayed home. She touched countless families. I didn’t agree with everything she said on the campaign trail. But two fundamental conservative stands she took mattered greatly to me: She vigorously defended the Second Amendment and the sanctity of life more eloquently in practice than any of the educated conservative aristocracy.
“And she did it all with a tirelessness and infectious optimism that defied the shameless, bottomless attempts by elites in both parties to bring her and her family down.
“Shame on the smearers who don’t have the balls to show their faces.
“Thank you, Sarah Palin. Thank you for stepping up the plate and serving your country.”
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