Thursday, December 23, 2010

The successes of a No Labels lame duck congress and a bit of poetry as well

To hear the media tell it, recently passed legislation by our lame duck congress is first and foremost a victory for our beleaguered president, and it has nothing to do with what may or may not benefit the American people.

Under those terms, it becomes hard to separate the potentially increased odds of a second term for Barack Obama from the passage of several major bills, including the repeal of DADT, the START treaty, and health care for first responders.

Yes, the media smilingly report, President Obama is taking a victory lap at year's end despite the "shellacking" he and his party received in November.

Is there any way possible to retrain the media to think in terms of how the latest legislation will benefit the people rather than what it means for partisan politics? A new political movement is showing the way. Instead of congratulating President Obama - you know, the comeback kid and all - No Labels congratulated the folks in Congress who did the work:

No Labels: Not left. Not right. Forward.

Dear No Labeler,

It's tough to be a doubter in December, but many pundits and politicians have been cynical about the possibility of No Labels’ success.  To them, Democrats are Democrats and Republicans are Republicans and all they should ever do is try to beat the other side into the ground.  That’s not good politics, and it is terrible for the country.  That’s why No Labels is all about bringing people together so that we can move forward.

And over the past few days, we’ve seen how that is possible.  The two parties came together to pass a tax and economic package, a repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” the New START Treaty, and health care for 9/11 responders with large, bipartisan majorities.  That is a stark contrast to the kind of “take no prisoners” and “go it alone” politics we’ve seen from both parties over the past few years – and it gives us hope.

But what is most hopeful and inspiring in American politics is you.  In just the past couple of weeks, you’ve helped build the fastest growing movement in America – even with cable TV talking heads, elitist newspaper columnists, and talk radio hosts attacking you every step of the way.  Just this past week, No Labels has been the talk of the nation from “Meet the Press” to your local newspaper.

Help grow our movement. Forward this email to your friends and ask them to join us by signing our No Labels Declaration, join us on Facebook, or make a contribution so we can fund our activities.

In January, we’ll be launching our first monthly Meetups to show Americans can come together to talk about our country across party lines.  Sign up to get involved in an upcoming Meetup.

We’ll be taking a week off from our Weekly Wrap-Ups next week, but here’s a special poem to celebrate the season!
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the land,
Americans were joining a new bipartisan band.

They were calling out the media and the politicians too
For putting parties first instead of me and you.

In 2011, wherever the partisans are found
There will be a new force seeking common ground.

Santa Claus may be just one of the fables
But you’ve made something real: You’ve created No Labels.
Happy New Year from all of us at No Labels!
Many thanks,

Nancy Jacobson & Mark McKinnon
Co-Founders of No Labels

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