Sunday, December 19, 2010

A NY Times columnist's bitterly cynical attack on No Labels

I know I should not have been surprised to read Frank Rich's vitriolic attack in the NY Times this morning on No Labels, the recently launched political movement supporting civility and bipartisanship in government.

But I had to ask myself,  "Is this the same columnist who went all out in the 08 Democratic primary to support Barack Obama's 'hope and change' candidacy, while joining forces with DNC leaders and media allies in their determined effort to destroy Hillary Clinton?

A foremost charge against Hillary in 08 was that she was too polarizing, even though in her years as senator from New York, she had earned a reputation for her ability to work across the aisle with her Republican colleagues - it can be done, Frank!

Ironically, the polls have shown that in his first term, Obama ranks as the most polarizing US president in contemporary history.

Maybe Rich's subsequent disillusionment with Obama's failure to transform Washington overnight explains his bitterly cynical response to the rise of the radical center, represented by No Labels.

Regular Katalusis readers know that after the 08 primary, I was one of many Hillary supporters who left the Democratic Party and re-registered as non-affiliated. At the time, I had concluded that the extreme right and the extreme left were mirror images of one another, and I was disgusted with both.

No Labels offers a potential home for those of us who prefer civility and  bipartisanship in the conduct of the nation's business.

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