Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A heart-warming valentine from Elizabeth Warren

This heartwarming message from Elizabeth Warren to her supporters arrived in my inbox this morning:


Valentine's Day is always special for me, and this year it is extra special: Today would have been my mother's 100th birthday.

My mother loved her special connection to Valentine's Day. I have a stack of valentines that my father gave her, even back from when they were teenage sweethearts. And, from the time I was a little girl, I've always baked my mother a heart-shaped birthday cake. I still have those heart-shaped pans.

When my mother died, those heart-shaped pans took on a special meaning. She had been in the hospital recovering from surgery, doing great, and scheduled to go home the next morning. It was evening, and my father was holding her hand. She sat up in bed and said, "Don, there's that gas pain again," then slumped back. She'd had a massive heart attack, and the doctors concluded she had suffered from heart disease for years.

These days, I still use the heart-shaped pans to bake a Valentine's Day cake in honor of my mom. We're in a big campaign right now, but I baked a cake in honor of my mother this year and wanted to share the picture with you.

I also wanted to ask you, as I've asked my friends every year, to remember that heart disease isn't just an "old man's disease" -- it's the number one killer of women in America. We need to invest more in the innovative medical research that can lead to breakthroughs that save both lives and money.

Take care, and happy Valentine's Day!

Elizabeth Warren


A special wish for a happy Valentine's Day to Katalusis readers!


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