Friday, May 30, 2008

Father Pfleger’s Bad Timing in Bashing “White” Hillary

ABC’s Jake Tapper gauges Father Pfleger’s effect on the Rules Committee’s effort to resolve the MI and FL dilemma this Saturday. Tapper begins:

“The job of uniting the Democratic Party after a long and divisive primary season just got tougher, thanks to yet another Chicago Christian leader who's a longtime friend and associate of Illinois Sen. Barack Obama.

“Precisely at the time when Obama's camp needs to be building bridges to supporters of New York Sen. Hillary Clinton, the Rev. Michael Pfleger, who's known Obama for about 20 years, took to the pulpit of Obama's church Sunday and ridiculed Clinton, using racially divisive language.

“The timing could not be worse.

“The Democratic National Committee's rules and bylaws committee will meet Saturday to hash out how to deal with the delegations of Florida and Michigan, which are going to be punished for ignoring party rules and holding early primaries.

“Clinton supporters plan on staging protests, insisting that the committee count the votes as cast, even though no candidate campaigned in either state and Obama wasn't on the ballot in Michigan.”

Read more:

Note: The media, Tapper included, almost always fails to mention that Barack Obama and John Edwards chose to take their names off the Michigan ballot and in derision asked their supporters to vote “uncommitted.” They hoped Clinton would be embarrassed by losing to “uncommitted.” Instead, she took Michigan.

The media also fails to mention that the Obama campaign violated the rules by running national ads in Florida. Again, voters turned out in droves to vote for Hillary Clinton.

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