Saturday, May 17, 2008

Obama Makes Excuses for Expected Loss in Kentucky

Here’s another news report of Barack Obama claiming the Democratic nomination prior to his coronation by using his presumed status to justify ignoring the Kentucky primary. In other words, Obama is lumping residents of the Bluegrass State with those in Michigan and Florida whose votes, according to his campaign, don’t count.

Ryan Alessi in the Lexington Herald-Leader reports that while Hillary Clinton plans five stops in Kentucky this weekend, including two university campuses, “Barack Obama, facing a likely defeat in next Tuesday's primary election, won't travel to Kentucky before the voting, but said he hopes to have much more time to win over Kentucky voters before the November general election.”

With his pre-emptive excuses lined up, Obama is evidently not counting on John Edwards’ magic touch to help him win over average Americans this Tuesday.

Alessi said “Obama also blamed Fox News for disseminating ‘rumors’ about him and said that that and e-mails filled with misinformation that have been "systematically" dispersed have hurt him in Kentucky.”

Alessi quotes Obama:

‘“When we're able to campaign in a place like Iowa for several months and I can visit and talk to people individually, I do very well. That's harder to do at this stage in the campaign,’ Obama said in a brief telephone interview Friday. ‘And once we get past the primary, we'll {be} {a}ble to focus more on those states where we need to make sure people know my track record.”’


  1. yeah blaming emails when he has to go out and pay bloggers to enforce his own message. how inspiring is that. this man never ceases to amaze me in his audaciousness. we will never buy it, so don't even try to sell it, cause he just looks more and more lame each day... go hillary!!! win oregon too :)

  2. he denies that he only hurts himself in kentucky by not trying to campaign his heart out there. well we'll show em and get it closer in oregon than all the polls are showing. it shouldn't be the knockout they are predicting anyway because geographically it is in between california which hill won and washington state where in the actual primary where everyone vote counted it was like a 4 point margin. the west coast has a lot of similarities in it's voting habits and it's people's thinking about issues... so i believe that we are going to surprise obama there, big time. and the best part is that if he is the presumptive nominee shouldn't he be winning handily without even campaigning... i think hillary is on the rise and he is on the fall... and the media and the dnc don't want to believe this truth...
