Friday, May 23, 2008

Florida: Is Obama Not a Leader or Not Confident of Winning, or Both?

Photo credits: Getty


Count Every Vote Rally in DC: May 31st, 2008
Questions or suggestions? Email

“You are going to count us now or don’t count on us later.”
-- Rep. Corrine Brown (D-FL), May 2008

Riverdaughter concludes her post on the Florida issue by asking is Obama not a leader, not confident of winning or both. And from the get go, she builds a good case:

“It’s easy to do the right thing and be on the correct side of the issue in this case even if you don’t stand to gain anything from it. The punishment was unusually harsh, the voters had nothing to do with it and the Democrats really need them in November. But more than that, it’s just a good thing to count every vote, let Floridians have some weight in determining the nomination and to respect their intentions, which were fairly clear. If it turns out that Florida’s votes when added to the mix do not sway superdelegates to vote for Clinton, well, at least they tried. But if they are never counted at all and Obama wins, then Floridians will be left with a mystery. Could counting all of their votes have lead to a different outcome? Deja vu. Not a good feeling when you thought you’d been pre-disastered. What’s worse is that it is at the hands of the ‘good’ party this time. Who can you trust?”

Who can you trust, indeed?

“Obama made a decision a couple of months ago to not waive the rules and to obstruct revotes. Florida Democrats filed a petition to get at least half the delegation seated. A couple of months ago would have been an optimal time to settle the matter. Obama could have been magnanimous and agreed to seat all of the delegates and take a small hit to his delegate count. Or he could have taken the Florida Democrat’s compromise of half delegate seating. He chose not to do either. Now, I don’t think any solution he proposed short of seating all of them would be acceptable to Floridians.”

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