Friday, May 16, 2008

“Well, at Least Edwards and Obama Didn’t Kiss”

Over at RealClearPolitics, Kathleen Parker begins:

“Well, at least they didn't kiss.

“Don't look at me. None other than David ‘Mudcat’ Saunders, Edwards' former rural adviser, came up with the idea when he said Obama should kiss Edwards on the lips ‘to kill this 41-point loss,’ referring to Hillary Clinton's landslide victory Tuesday in the West Virginia primary.

“Instead, the two men exchanged a manly air-hug to commemorate the moment when Edwards threw Clinton under the upholstered sofa on his grandmama's front porch and anointed the Illinois senator with snake oil left over from his own campaign.

“As Edwards gave what amounted to a stump speech highlighting his favorite subject -- John Edwards -- and his own anti-poverty initiative, Americans were reminded of why the North Carolina son-of-a-millworker won't be their presidential nominee.

“Enraptured by his own message, Edwards seemed reluctant to hand over the microphone. He finally relinquished the stage, after describing, yet again, the ‘wall’ that he says divides Americans: ‘There is one man who knows in his heart that it is time to create one America, not two. And that man is Barack Obama.’

“There he goes again.”

I’m with Parker in wondering how he with the $400 haircuts can help the one in the suit who bowled 37 in Pennsylvania win over America’s working class.

But let Parker continue:

“Obama and Edwards make an attractive picture -- Ultra Brite coverboys of youth and glamour united against old men (and women) who worship the status quo. Fraternal twins of yin and yang, one is the healer, the other a fighter. Obama -- the man who makes Chris Matthews feel a thrill up his leg -- wants to ‘do the Lord's work,’ lately pictured in front of a Christian cross illuminated with vanity lights on a flier aimed at Kentucky voters, while Edwards wants to roll out the catapults and nuke the Coliseum.”

Parker concludes:

“Which puts new thoughts in motion as voters project down the road. Obama and Edwards look and talk pretty, but Clinton exudes pure brawn, unflinching and steely. When the time comes to sit across from the likes of Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a chill in the heart may beat a thrill up the leg.”

Whew! I’ve a hunch Kathleen Parker has picked up on the outrage of women these days, crystallized by Cynthia Ruccia and Clinton Supporters Count Too.

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