Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Destroying Hillary Clinton Part II

McCluskey and McEwan have now posted Destroying Hillary Clinton Part II at the Guardian, concluding their documentation of the sexism and misogyny directed at Hillary Clinton throughout the Democratic primary.

(To read Destroying Hillary Clinton Part I and my comments, go here. VB)

Destroying Hillary Clinton Part II begins:

“It was an indication of how thoroughly the left co-opted the use of the GOP and media-created scandals, to smear Hillary Clinton during the presidential primaries, that the Republicans weren't even mentioning them much anymore, content to let the Left do its dirty work. There was little reason for GOP operatives to get their hands dirty reviving the villainous First Lady Macbeth caricature, when many liberals were happy to do it for them.”

(Incidentally, by following the Democratic primary closely I was often nauseated by the garbage on left-wing sites such as the Huffington Post and the Daily Kos. That’s about the time I decided the extreme left and the extreme right were mirror images, and it would be the better part of wisdom to ignore the rantings of both. VB)

To read more of Part II, go here.


  1. (Incidentally, by following the Democratic primary closely I was often nauseated by the garbage on left-wing sites such as the Huffington Post and the Daily Kos. That’s about the time I decided the extreme left and the extreme right were mirror images, and it would be the better part of wisdom to ignore the rantings of both. VB

    I totally agree with you Virginia. I found out the only difference between right and left is the direction in which they sling their mud. Sad Sad Sad.

  2. Hi Anonymous,

    Hearing from intelligent, like-minded people is such a morale boost! Thanks for stopping by and do stay in touch.
