Sunday, August 31, 2008

Male-dominated Lefty Blogosphere Exploding with Misogyny Toward Sarah Palin

From the Tennessee Guerilla Women:

“John McCain knew what he was doing when he chose Sarah Palin for his VP. Already the male dominated lefty blogosphere is exploding with misogyny. And all of those alienated women voters, who were thinking of coming back to the Democratic Party, are thinking again.

‘“The 'progressive' men are actually counting the months of the woman's pregnancies! That's right folks. The formerly progressive netroots is trying to bring Sarah Palin down by proving that she is a slut! The menz over at Americablog (and followers) fervently hope to prove that one of Sarah Palin's children was conceived "out of wedlock!"’

Read more.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, they are out in full force trashing her horribly.
    Two good articles on sarah palin:,8599,1837536,00.html?iid=sphere-inline-bottom

    sarah palin time interview

    phone interview with sara palin
